Login Instructions
Your Username is:
Member number followed by -00 or -000 for the primary member
Member number followed by -01 or-001 for the secondary member
Example: Primary 10100-000, Secondary 10100-001
10100-00 or Secondary 10100-01
Your Password* is:
Your last name
Example: Smith
After logging in, you will be prompted to change your password to something more secure.
*For Members with an apostrophe in your last name, enter your password without the apostrophe.
The Skaneateles Country Club Member Website works best with the latest versions of Google Chrome, Internet Explorer (11) and Firefox.
Your Username is:
Member number followed by -00 or -000 for the primary member
Member number followed by -01 or-001 for the secondary member
Example: Primary 10100-000, Secondary 10100-001
10100-00 or Secondary 10100-01
Your Password* is:
Your last name
Example: Smith
After logging in, you will be prompted to change your password to something more secure.
*For Members with an apostrophe in your last name, enter your password without the apostrophe.
The Skaneateles Country Club Member Website works best with the latest versions of Google Chrome, Internet Explorer (11) and Firefox.